Monday, February 15, 2010

Most Awesome (Non) Wedding Ever (Part Two)

Monday 2/15:
Hayward's gettin' married to Greensleeves and everyone's there, and Greensleeves lifts up her bee keeper style veil and everybody's like, "ZOMG! You were supposed be dead! And you're marrying David Hayward! Weird!" Then Jackson runs in and he's like, "I'm so angry about this, don't marry David!" and then Laves runs in and he's like, "I'M so angry about this, don't marry David!" Police Chief hauls Hayward into the house for questioning or whatevs (which is totally unnecessary, cuz dude ain't done nothin' wrong except for be awesome) and then Laves kinda manhandles Greensleeves and generally acts a little self centered and stuff.

CrazAnnie, Grandad and Scott were apparently not invited to the wedding, which totally T.O.'s CrazAnnie, and naturally she crashes the wedding that didn't really happen because Lavery spoiled it. Lavery was still there spoiling everything and when CrazAnnie showed up and she saw Greenlee (her arch nemesis, remember?) and she kinda shruged it off but I'm pretty sure it's for certain- Annie is officially bringing Crazy back.

Greensleeves is all, "Why didn't you warn me everyone would hate me for trying to marry you, David Hayward?" and I'm all, "HE DID!!" and Hayward is super nice to her (because he's awesome) and Laves comes in and talks about how he owns Valentine's Day AND the full moon and that Greensleeves should marry him right then and there. Greensleeves, you've already crushed my spirit by not marrying David in the first place. Please don't go and marry that bossy Ryan Lavery . . . you . . . you're gonna do it, aren't you? Sigh, I figured.

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