Things we need to know from yesterday:
Liza forgot to call "no take backs" when she adopted Baby Stu.
Aidan's lost his damn mind.
Dr. Jake tended to a Dr. David Baby Stealer who's taking this "fake dying" thing pretty far.
Tuesday 12/8:
It's the day of Grandad's trial, ya'll!
Liza is so distraught about Juno takin' back the baby, that she misses an early morning meeting with Not Babe and I'm pretty sure she's still drunk in court. That's my girl!
Our friend, Scott, copped a plea and stuff. I kind of didn't pay attention to what kinda sentence he got in return, but whatever it is it ain't murder serious or nothin'.***
Everyone's all in tizzy for this trial. Grandad has his finest Civil War era coat on and Judd Nelson, I mean, Judge Nelson is extra judgey!
CrazAnnie is still in hospital, and Laves chills in her room watchin' everything go down on the boob tube (and also kinda sorta keeping tabs on her and putting doubts in her mind and making her think that Grandad is going to make her take the fall for the murder.)
Zach (who don't want no scrubs, i.e. Kendall) is called as the Prosecution's only witness. Nice work, D.A. Not the Dead Guy. That's your tax money at work, Pine Valleians. Zach's all "my wife" this and "my wife" that and stuff and like totally walks away while Liza's (the Defense, mind you) questioning him (get some order, Judd!! I mean Judge!) and in the hall she's like, "Sorry 'bout that" and he's like, "Can you guys- I mean you and Erica and Tad- can you guys just leave me the heck alone?" Dude, Zach. D.A. Not the Dead Guy called you here, yell at him, kid. Zach's a little testy these days, though, and I understand why, so I'll let this one slide.
Trial trial trial, this person's called to testify and that person is called to testify and the Prosecution rests and the Defense rests and then 3 minutes later the 4 person jury finds Grandad . . . eh eh eh, not until tomorrow!
Okay, so I once had Grand Jury duty for a month. A month, you guys. Now I know this wasn't a Grand Jury dealio, but I honestly think a murder trial of this magnitude would take longer than 20 minutes. We're talking some next level Phil Spector sorta stuff. And jury deliberation would for sure be a lot longer than 3 minutes (and I'm being generous with the 3 minutes.) And Judd Nelson, I mean JUDGE Nelson, musta spent way too much time in detention in law school, because there was all sorts of out of order business going down and all he did was overrule all a' Liza's objections! COME ON!! You've taken Aidan away from me, All My Children writers. At least give me a trial worthy of Adam Chandler.
Phew, okay, I'm done. I love David Hayward! Hooray!!
***Mr. Paraphrasing Pine Valley has now informed me that Scott got off . . . wait for it . . . "scott free." He also reminded me that Dance-A-Thon 2009 went on for nearly two weeks (right?) Would it kill the writers to maybe consider this in the grand scheme of things? Eesh.
The fact that you really did have Grand Jury Duty for a month makes this all the more funny.