Because he's playing 'Manda like a fiddle!
Friday 12/4:
Dr. Dave Baby Stealer's got these experimental Malaysian meds for his fake disease and Dr. Jake steals 'em to get tested for fakeness. Well, Dr. Mrs. Police Chief of Staff takes a looksie at 'em and they're for reals experimental Malaysian pills for the disease Dr. Dave doesn't have. Everyone's kinda like, "Hmmmm . . . he could be dying but this IS Dr. Dave we're talking about." Yes, yes it is, suckers.
Juno's got Baby Stu and the awesome apartment and a bunch of Christmas decorations and her BF comes over and apparently the dude has gotten a job good enough to take of all three of 'em. What? I have a college degree and I don't have a job good enough to take care of three people!! So Juno thinks about her sitchimication, and she tells Liza she would very much like to keep the baby that she previously gave up.
Junior has the cancer again. Junior tells Tad, but won't tell his wife. Junior also won't get treatments until Grandad's trial's over. Junior made better decisions when he was a drunky.
'Manda has this cutey home movie of cutey Barbados Baby doing cutey things at the petting zoo. She decides that Dr. David Fake Dying should use it to tape some (cutey) fake last words to the kid who's not really his baby. So he does and it's sad, but not really because he's not really dying and I just love David Hayward more and more each day as this thing unfolds. That dude could sell ice to . . . he could sell a bridge to, um . . . uh . . . he could . . . he could sell something to someone who doesn't really need it. That's how awesome David Hayward is.
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