I don't know about you, but I can't wait for the dress up party tomorrow!!
Thursday 10/29:
So Grandad's interrupting the kid's Halloween party, and he starts yappin' about how he misses his bro and junk. The old CrazAnnie/Laves/Erica Kane trifecta's there, too, and Em totes thinks that Grandad is now sorry he killed his bro (though he's still not remembering that part) so CrazAnnie takes this as a cue to get the weddin' back on.
Scott's whining.
(That's all there really is to say about that.)
Dr. David Baby Stealer meets with Real Preggers, Fake Preggers (her lawyer) and Funny Doc. Turns out the contract he drew up for the "give me a second baby" thing has a "no doin' the nasty with Funny Doc" clause, as well as a "live in my house 'till you pop that thing out" clause. First Real Pregs is like, "Nu uh" but then somehow, for some reason Funny Doc changes her mind and she's going through with it. Dr. David Baby Stealer explains to Fake Pregs that he wants a baby because he's lonely and that only 2 things matter in this world: 1. stealing babies and 2. drugs . . . I mean love and family! Love and family!!
Brot and Natalia share a sexy and special moment as she washes his back. Not sure how he got car schmutz on his back, but okay. Then Brot drops the spark plugs he stole out of the car and totally ruins the mood. Natalia gets all pissed off and makes him walk home.
Juno's watching her/Fake Preggers kid and she tells Colby how she wants to be a full time mother and then her/Fake Preggers kid cries and she's like, "I was joking. Kids are dumb." Not really, but I think she kinda doesn't want to be a full time teenage mom. Hence the reason she gave up the thing in the first place.
Zach's thiiiiiissssss close to getting Grandad confess to the murder he didn't commit, so he plans a super scary surprise for him at his chateau- a frightening painting that says, "Help me Adam" in red paint! Personally, I think digging up Stuart, putting sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt on him and carrying him around would be much more effective.