Monday 10/19:
Emma was totes faking the coma this whole time, so CrazAnnie tells her she can now fake wake up. With her fake woken up, Zach and Lavery want CrazAnnie to be all "I killed Stuart" and Laves thinks he can get this info outta Em. Yeah, not so much. She still won't tell us who flipping killed Stu. Supposedly we'll find out this week . . . we'll see.
Dr. David Baby Stealer also wakes up, but his is for reals since he was bonked on the head by Real Preggers. So Funny Doc comes and looks at him, but Dr. David Baby Stealer is proud proud man, and doesn't want any of Funny Doc's Funny Medicine. Baby Stealer knows he saw Kendall and Secret Aidan Man in the stable, and he tells Police Chief this on the phone. Then Real Preggers tells him how she was being an accessory to a crime by helping them just because she wanted to be nice. So Police Chief comes over and Dr. David Baby Stealer's like, "Psyche. Didn't see them. Sorry 'bout that," which is fine. Police Chief isn't really looking for the two of 'em too hard since Zach wants them to get away because Kendall asked for it in her romantic letter.
Scott is like, waaaaasted at ConFusion (The Chandler way! Get drunk!) and he's all laying his head down on the bar and stuff- which makes bar tenders really angry, but I guess the guys at ConFusion are a little more lenient than the bars I frequent. I mean, wait, what? I've never done that . . . I . . . what? Anyway- SCOTT is wasted. And Junior figures out that he's figured out who shot his dad, Grandad's brother, Junior's Uncle.
Natalia is not quite as wasted at ConFusion, but she's knockin' 'em back and talks to Brot about how she's bummed she shot someone, but she wants to "get back out there." Me, I think she needs to simmer down. Brot thinks she needs to simmer down too. Or at least come to terms with the fact that she, like, shot someone. A good lesson to learn.
I seriously LOL'd at the pic and the headline. Solid Gold!