Now I know that episode recaps are uber-importante. You know what else is important? The fact that in a month and a day I will be attending, nay, I will be VIP attending the AMC farewell to NYC extravaganza in sunny Staten Island! Oh be still my heart. I hope I don't get arrested for inappropriately touching Ricky Paull Goldin.
Tuesday 10/20:
Kendall and Secret Aidan Man have escaped to an abandoned church. Wait a minute . . . Secret Aidan Man's not feeling so well. And he's got a super sexy rash! Oh no, he's allergic to those antibiotics they stole from Dr. David Baby Stealer! But then Kendall gets soup (noodle soup!) and he's better.
Emma's awake and gonna go home with Laves. But CrazAnnie would prefer she didn't. CrazAnnie tries to enlist the help of Dr. David Baby Stealer to keep her in hospital, but see Dr. David Baby Stealer doesn't play other people's games, he plays his OWN games, and says she can go home with Laves. Hooray, right? Not so much, since CrazAnnie feeds Emma lies and now Emma wants to go home with her "to the big house." Big house . . . heh.
At the Big House, Zach and Erica Kane are lecturing Grandad (who I almost got confused with Stuart because he was wearing a sweater and I almost shot him!) and it goes something like, "Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets can hurt someone." And Scott (who's finally sobered up, the lush) totes agrees with this statement and he's like, "Yeah, that's true. LOL."
Junior goes to chemo, and he's super bummed he still has the cancer, and he starts to think about how much he loves Not Babe and they do it and then he asks her to marry him. So romantical!!
Not be outdone, Kendall and Zach force us to remember that they, too, lurve each other and they revowed their revowels for the umpteenth time a few weeks ago. No offence, Kendach, I kinda like Junior's thing better.
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