Tuesday 10/13:
Emma's in hospital, hole in her head and stuff. Lavery accuses CrazAnnie of wanting Emma to stay in that coma. Well, in his defense, she did kinda say, "Go ahead and stay in that coma if you feel like it." But I kinda think she was being poetic and junk and not super literal. I can see how Lavery wouldn't understand such deep stuff.
Great Stuart's Ghost visits Grandad. Oh Stuart, fix your flingin' flangin' collar. They don't have mirrors in Heaven? Anyhoo, he talks to Grandad, and earlier Scott talked to Grandad, so you think that Grandad would realize that was the one who shot his bro, but nope nope, he thinks Emma did it. (They had me too, Grandad. It's okay.)
So Fake Kendall got herself shanked (Shankedall!) so she's en route to hospital. This means For Reals Kendall also has to be en route to hospital so they can pull the old stitch the hurt one, but put the fine one in the hospital bed switcheroo. Well, they do and it's fine . . . sorta. Erica Kane's brought Heart Valve with her to see Kendall, but it's weird how Kendall isn't, like, beyond stoked to see him. It's kinda like she's seen Heart Valve once or twice (or everyday) since she's been in-the-carcerated. Odd. Also, Dr. David Baby Stealer thinks it's weird how Kendall, is a-okay, given the fact that she lost tons of blood and has a bum heart . . . hmmm. Oh and Police Chief made Dr. Mrs. Police Chief do all of the stitching and the cutting which now makes her an accessory to this f-ed Real/Fake Kendall plan. Nice police work.
Fake Preggers takes Shankedall to Real Kendall's Fake Secret Prison, and she's like, "Awesome! Thanks for your help! Bu bye!" and Shankedall's like, "Whoa whoa whoa wait. I just got stabbed. I didn't get paid to get stabbed. I would very much prefer to not be incarcerated anymore. Thank you." Uh-oh!!!
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