Who's excited about the impending Dance a Thon 2009?!!
Monday 9/14:
Looks like Mittens is going to be all surgified again. Well done, Mittens. You stayed sober enough to a: not sleep with Madison the Dead D.A.'s Wife and b: put on a suit. And you got your job back! Now go surgery someone! He's still all down, though, about how he kinda sorta maybe but not really slept with Madison and thinks his marriage is ruined.
Know who else thinks his marriage is ruined? His wife. Yup, she's gonna file for divorce. But she hasn't had her morning coffee yet and she doesn't want to talk about. Randi, you're at a bar. Shut up. Madison likes bars and also pissing people off, so she shows up and Police Chief totes threatens her life. Oh Police Chief.
Zach takes Emma to Mansion de Grandad so she can visit mommy and maybe they'll get a confession. If it were that easy! Fake Preggers was at Zach's house, naturally, so I guess she "watches" The Boys, but she's such a bad mother she loses one of them and he totes goes to the secret door to the secret room and starts talking about his mommy! Way to ruin it, kid. Kendall is such a bad prisoner, that instead of just letting him stay there and you know, not risk being discovered by Fake Preggers, she snatches him. Now people think we have a missing child and he's actually with a lady who's supposed to be in jail! Oh Kendall.
This crazy storm has gotten Grandad all worked up, and he keeps talking about how his brother was murdered and aren't we over that yet? No? Damn. So Zach is there and Emma talks to CrazAnnie and she's all weird and makes you think she maybe killed Stuart and Grandad remembers something about that night . . . wait . . . eh eh eh- not till tomorrow, you guys! This is the soaps!
Randi shows up at Mittens office to make him feel bad about himself, I mean, congratulate him. Randi wants a divorce, PSYCHE, no she doesn't and they're gonna stay together. Well that was easy. She leaves and Madison shows up and she wants to steal people kidneys for cash but Mittens is a for real doc now and won't do that and she's mad and HEY LOOK THERE'S A KNICK KNACK!!! GRAB IT MADISON!! MADISON IS GOING TO BONK MITTENS ON THE HEAD!!! Eh eh eh- tomorrow, ya'll.
Tomorrow's there's bonking, and . . . other stuff I guess? I really mostly just care about the bonking.
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