It's Labor Day here in the U.S. of A., and since no one's working, we get to relive Fake Preggers Fake Birthing her baby!
Here's what happened back in June when this episode was all new and stuff.
Monday 6/29:
Finally, Fake Preggers gives Not Birth to her few week old "newborn" baby!! And he was born with a hat. How convenient! (Turns out the whole Tad getting pulled over thing last week was kind of a non-event.)
Meanwhile, at the hippest spot in Pine Valley (aka the cemetery) Krystal and Baby Stealer share a very romantic kiss atop their dead daughter's grave and the recently buried urn of coffee grounds. Not Babe is totally bummed to see them making out, because it's really icky to see your parents do it . . . I mean, make out. Not Babe's got the hots for Junior, and Baby Stealer's all, "But he's a drunk!" and Junior's all, "Hellllooooo! You almost killed Krystal driving drunk! Who's the drunk now, Drunky?!" And Baby Stealer's all, "Touche." Junior tells Not Babe that when he swaped spit with her, he was kinda pretending she was his dead wife. This doesn't land well with Not Babe. It's also super creepy.
At the Chandler mansion, turns out Sherlock Lavery, Dr. Erica Watson and Secret Aiden Man have done some super sleuthing and have figured out that maybe, just maybe Annie was the one who shot Stuart. Well done, kids.
Fake Preggers decides to name Barbados Baby, "Stuart" . . . Does no one, NO ONE realize this damn kid is, what, a month and a half old?
The Lady Formally Knows As Real Preggers can't stand that child's incessant wailing- I think it's because she's bummed her baby "died" or was "adopted" or "for Pete's sake that kid is 8 months old, why don't you people realize that???!!!!"
JR talks to a dead person (Guess who it is!), Tad and Blondie Soldier are totes going to do it and Amanda peeps Barbados Baby and doesn't realize it's her kid (COME ON!!! HE'S LIKE 2!)
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