Wednesday 9/16:
Guess what day it is, you guys! It's Dance A Thon 2009!!! Everyone in Pine Valley is going to dance for the children. They're going to dance so hard and so long that those children will no longer be poor!!
Before we can get to the dancing, it seems this whole living with Dr. David Baby Stealer thing has him and Real Preggers gettin' all close and stuff. Real Preggers explains to Funny Doc, you know- her husband, that Baby Stealer needs to fall in love with her, and then that'll make her get Barbados Baby back for reals. This is a fantastic plan. A plan almost as good as leaving your child in an alley so you can later find him.
Everyone is totes excited about Dance A Thon 2009! They're at ConFusion and they've got water and tv cameras and fax machines all ready to raise some money! Blondie's kinda bummed that Tad doesn't seem to like her as much as she likes him, but that's okay because Brot's there and he's going to dance with her and Tad is sometimes annoying anyway. It's Dance A Thon 2009, everybody!
Police Chief thinks it's really weird how Madison took that heavy thing and tried to hit Mittens over the head. That's kinda like how the D.A. died . . . hey, wait a minute . . . maybe she actually killed him! She really likes knick knacks. Plus, she's a crazy bitch. And even though no one notices she's totally sneaking around ConFusion looking creepy. Hmmm, let's explore this futher.
Dance A Thon 2009 rules!! Even CrazAnnie was allowed out of the house to come and dance with Grandad. Oh man, this doesn't make Erica OR Lavery happy. It was totally a Kenickie/Cha Cha/Sandy/Danny kinda thing. But see, Grandad's said that Chandmerica United Intercor Co. will give a ton of money, and Erica really wants to help the kids, so she kinda has to let him and Ms. Ankle Monitor stay. Sorry, Lavery. The kids win.
Put your mittens 'round your kittens (you too, Mittens!), and away we go!! Dance A Thon 2009 is off to a great start! Dr. David Baby Stealer's cuttin' a rug with Real Preggers, Zach's gettin' jiggy with it with Fake Preggers (much to the chagrin of Kendall, who's watching the whole thing since it's being televised- so convenient!). Everyone's having a great time! That is until Opal (who's dressed like one of The Ronettes) goes to the bathroom with little Emma and turns around and sees all this blood on the door (not really- it's just one of her premonitions) and she's like, "I picked the wrong day to stop not being psychic."
DANCE A THON 2009!!!!
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