Friday 9/18:
It's still Dance A Thon 2009!! You didn't think it was over did you? We've got a lot of kids to save, we're gonna dance like we're dancing to end world poverty!
Junior and Not Babe don't really care about the kids, though. Instead they care more about doing it on the roof. Everyone still thinks Junior's a drunk, too. Have these people ever actually seen anyone drunk? I think the residents of Pine Valley need a refresher course on the difference between "drunk" and "guy who has a life threatening illness."
Evil Mustache Twirling Madison's got her LSD poison water, and she totally slips it to Randi, who starts hallucinating and junk! Whoooooo!! More on that later.
Petey still has to potty. He is so going to get Uromysitisis, poor thing.
Speaking of potties, Funny Doc follows Real Preggers into the loo and they get into a fight, which I totally thought was another act, but apparently not because later Funny Doc calls Real Preggers a slut whore!! Burn. On a side note, isn't Barbados Baby the cutest baby in the entire world? They should put him in a tiny little bear suit. He'd be even cuter if he was dressed like a mini bear. He'd be Barbados Baby Bear. Or B cubed for short.
Okay, enough about that cutey patootie baby, we've got real life soap opera stuff to talk about. Lavery and CrazAnnie hang out on the roof (the only place more popular than the bathroom) and Emma calls and she's all, "Don't worry ma, I won't tell that dumb guy who's my dad the secret about Stuart's murder, LOL!!!" And Lavery's all, "I'm not dumb. I'm just intense. LOL!" Then they go back to the dancing downstairs (let's remember why we're all here, folks) and Lavery's like, "Hey . . . . wait a minute . . . " And I'm telling you people, I went on record MONTHS AGO stating that Emma killed Stuart and I will not back down from that. She killed him and we need to put Emma in jail. Am I right, ya'll?
Meanwhile in the bathroom (the only place more popular than the roof) Randi's busy freaking out because she's on acid and then Blondie walks in and Randi thinks it's like, Madison, and the next think you know poor Blondie is crumpled up on the floor in the stall and Randi (and Madison!) are no where to be found! ZOMG!!!
DANCE A THON 2009!!!!
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