Today's episode is about games. Not fun games like Clue or Uno (not Yahtzee, I freaking HATE Yahtzee) but games with people's hearts. Games they write about in pop songs. Songs by boy bands.
Friday 9/25:
Madison and Randi are on the roof. Randi's got a brick and she's so gonna smack Madison upside her bitchy head . . . but then wait, Gosh, no Brot! Why'd you stop her?! She was going to do it! She was going to take the brick and . . . who am I kidding. She was never going to do it.
Remember how Grandad felled down and saw Stuart and it totes freaked him out? He's kind of done with this whole dance marathon thing (Grandads really shouldn't dance for 8 days straight) so he tells CrazAnnie to dance with Scott. Greeaaaattttt. They Lambada a bit and do the whole "you want me," "no you want me" thing while at the bar Lavery taunts Grandad about how CrazAnnie says Emma shot Stuart. Grandad's at a crossroads. Grandad's got some things to think about. Grandad probably wishes he hadn't committed to this whole Dance A Thon 2009 thing because goodness they've been going at it for a while!
In the bathroom! (ROOF! BATHROOM!) Krystal is looking lovely. I don't know if it's that v neck American Apparel turquoise t-shirt she has on, or her new highlights, but my gosh she looks like lovely! Anyhow, Erica's like, "Tad still hearts you." And Krystal's like, "Yeah, but there's that whole letting Dr. David Baby Stealer stick it to me thing." Later on the roof (ROOF!) Tad pretty much confirms that Dr. Baby Stealer sticking it to his wife was a big bummer.
So Dr. Baby Stealer and Real Preggers are dancing or something, and she tells him about how she was playing him, and then someone has a conversation about something with Funny Doc and frankly I missed all of this because a: Barbados Baby is the cutest baby in the entire world and b: everyone holds Barbados Baby like he's made of Plutonium. This is distracting to me. Don't hold him a foot away from you! Cuddle that wittle bitty witty muffin head close to your heart!
Brot figured out in like 2.5 seconds that Madison killed her husband and this pisses off Daughter Police Chief and she's like, "Yeah, well the police force is harder than the military" and he's like, "The military's harder than the police force" and I'm like, "I can't even do a push up. You both win." YAHTZEE! (I freaking hate Yahtzee. It's so loud.)
See, Funny Doc knows that Dr. David Baby Stealer is playing Real Preggers, and to top it off, Dr. David Baby Stealer told Real Preggers she could spend the night with Funny Doc and Barbados Baby, but I mean, come on, he's Dr. David Baby Stealer. Are you gonna believe him, Real Preggers? Clearly you are. Funny Doc knows what's up. Funny Doc, he's so over this. And he's like, "I'm so over this." And then he's like, "I don't want to spend the night with you. I would prefer to spend the night with this lovely little All My Children enthusiast who lives in NYC . . . " Le sigh.
Lots of talking for a Friday. Next week, I want action, you guys. I think it's time for some drugging or some shooting or some Greenlee!!!
I'd buy a magazine if you were writing for it =)