Dude, you guys. Snow. Snow of epic proportions. Therefore much of today's episode was interrupted by a bunch people going "HOLY CRAP SNOWWWWWW" on the tv, but I definitely saw enough to get the gist of what's happenin' in the Pine Valley.
Wednesday 2/9:
We all knew Scott and CrazAnnie were a bunch of slut whores, didn't we? Well, today they proved it once again with some heavy making out. NeoColby totally saw the whole thing through the window and videotaped it with her phone (Phones can do that?) Blackmail's a beyotch, kids.
Grandad finally figures out that Junior's not a drunk and instead has the cancer again, and then Junior falls and bonks his head on the dresser and has to go to hospital. The whole fam gets there, and NuevoColby springs the old blackmail video on CrazAnnie and Scott and CrazAnnie breaks her phone. Dude, why would you show that to CrazAnnie? She's crazy enough to break your phone! Junior is okay, but not really, and he asks Scott to take care of Not Babe and Lil' A if anything bad happens. Scott's like, "By 'take care' do you mean 'make out with them'? Because if that's the case I can do that really well."
Jackson sees Greensleeves (HIS DAUGHTER who was presumed DEAD!) and he's like, "Greens, I'm so stoked you're alive. Let's call Lavery and tell him!" and she's like, "Naw, let's chill on that for a sec." She explains that Dr. David Baby Stealer Greenlee Healer was the one who like, healed her, and he gets all grumpy and angry about that (something about Dr. Dave "playing God" or somethin') but then he chills out and Erica calls him and I'm pretty sure she's going to profess her undying love for him because they are the most awesome couple ever.
Laves finds out about Dr. Dave gettin' married on V-day, and he's SUPER pissed because he thinks he owns Valentime's Day on account of the fact that he one time was gonna get married on Valentime's Day but then Kendall ran his fiancee off the road on her motorcycle and everyone thought she died. So he goes over to WildWoodWind and is all, "You can't get married on V-day, Hayward!" and Hayward's all, "You're not the boss of me!" and then Laves socks him in the kisser. You think you're gonna ruin a wedding by punching Dave in the face, Laves? Jokes on you, guy, because the only thing sexier than a David Hayward is a David Hayward with a black eye.
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