It's Monday! And I'm not really sure who's the biggest Maniac in Pine Valley today . . . NeoColby for toying with a crazy lady or CrazAnnie for being a crazy lady. Nah, the answer is definitely Laves. It's always Laves.
Monday 2/22:
Laves totes overheard Greensleeves (who's got a birthday today!) talkin' to Funny Doc and he decides that maybe he shouldn't be so pushy with this whole making her love him thing. Sting was right, kid. Somehow though, I feel like you haven't yet learned this lesson. You don't have a great track record with the "not being pushy" deal. But we'll see.
Dr. Mrs. Police Chief is sad about how much her job kinda sucks. With the blackmailing/not blackmailing and junk, she's been super testy recently, so Police Chief stops by hospital so he can whisk her away and they can "reconnect," if you know what I mean. This leaves Mittens in charge, and man, Dr. Mrs. Police Chief has a really tough job. There was this other doc who had this one emergency (which he kinda didn't really make seem like an emergency) and the guy's patient totally died because Dr. Mrs. Police Chief wasn't there to approve the surgery and Mittens didn't call her in time to have her approve the surgery! That sucks.
Juno's not comin' back to PV. I think we all kinda knew that, but today Juno's Baby Daddy confirmed it. Also confirmed Juno's Baby Daddy's DNA totes matched the DNA from all those break ins. DNA don't mean squat in this town, though.
Grandad finds out it was NuevoColby who planted the tire iron that made CrazAnnie go a little bit loco, and he also kinda finds out that Scott won't just stop lustin' after his darn wife. He's really t.o.'d and he reads 'em all the riot act. Grandad's all, "Keep it in your pants Scott! And stop being a brat Colby!" Then he gives Tad a big briefcase o' cash to go "find" "a person" who might be a "match" for "JR" and his "bone marrow." Secret love child, anyone? No . . . seriously. I'm pretty sure it's his secret love child.
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