Tuesday 2/16:
The hospital is a super bummer place to be today. Junior finds out that his chemo's not really working, so he needs a bone marrow transplant. For once Grandad's being a nosy, bossy guy is actually kinda helpful, because he's all about getting Junior that transplant. Go Grandad. Oh and PS we see a picture of the new "Lil' A" (who I'm heard will now be called AJ) and well, that kid is gonna be a handful. Ed Hardy t-shirts and everything.
Laves and Greensleeves talk and talk and talk some more. And Laves is smug. And Greensleeves is stubborn. And Laves is all, "You'd prefer to marry me instead of David Hayward." And Greensleeves is all, "Oh yeah? Just watch me not marry you and instead marry David!" So there, Lavery.
Turns out there was a janitor strike goin' on at hospital, and Dr. Mrs. Police Chief of Staff had to use the bag o' blackmail that Hayward had left behind for her to make the head of the union back off and thereby end the strike. A little good news, bad news, Dr. Mrs. Police Chief of Staff. Good news: strike is over. Bad news: Hayward TOTALLY saw you do that blackmailin' and now he's gonna flip it and blackmail you about it unless you give him his job back. Cold blooded, Dave. I'm normally a Hayward supporter no matter what, but I get a little upset when he messes with the Hubbards. Can't you go back to harassing Lavery? That's much more entertaining.
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