And we're back!
If I have a baby, and my baby isn't as cute as Barbados Baby I am going to be so incredibly bummed. That is the most adorable worable teeny weeny smoochie woochie baby in the world!!!
Monday 11/30:
Zach isn't taking the whole seeing Fake Kendall making out with Aidan thing very well. Probably because he doesn't realize it's Fake Kendall. He throws away all of her pretty dresses and doesn't want that beyotch to come home. Hottie Inn Keeper (she's no good I tell you) shows up at his house and she's all, "Kendall wanted me to give this to you" and hands him an envelope. First Zach refuses but then it's there when he's like, going out to get a pizza or something, and in the envelope it's totally Kendall's wedding ring! Which I'm sure she gave up willingly right? With her being chloroformed and all? NOT!
Real Preggers spills the beans to Funny Doc about the s-e-x with Dr. Dave and, understandably, Funny Doc is a little t.o.'d. What's so ironical about the situation, is that he doesn't know, and Fake Preggers doesn't know that Barbados Baby doesn't really belong to Dr. David Baby Stealer, he's somebody else's baby! (I don't care what they're saying, I'm pretty sure that kid is J.R.'s.) Real Preggers is really bummed because she's, like, lost her husband (she even throws a pregnancy test at Dr. David Baby Stealer!) and this situation is as bad as bad can be. Never thought a plan as air tight as live with Dr. David Baby Stealer and carry another baby for him would turn out like this, huh? Rule one: don't trust Dr. David. Rule two: Refer to rule one.
Juno's hangin' out with Baby Stuart while Fake Preggers is gone doing lawyer stuff, and Juno's BF comes over and he's acting like he kinda likes that kid he fathered. See Fake Preggers would prefer he not hang out in her house because he's kind of a skeezer so she gets mad when she finds him there. Juno gets all teenagery about the situation and she's like, "I, too, kinda like this kid I gave birth to and then gave to you. I'd like to borrow him for a bit and see if I'd like to take care of him for the next 18 years." Dude, that sucks Fake Preggers. Rule one: don't let unwed teenage mothers live with you and your adopted baby who is the baby they gave birth to in the first place and then gave up. Rule two: See rule one.
Finally, Tad and Krystal are getting closer (which makes me super happy. Tad deserves a lady these days.) and they make out and stuff on the floor. Krystal wants to open a candy shop with coffee and candy and cookies and that sounds like the best idea ever. Throw some puppies to play with in the mix and I'm your first investor!!
This week: Dr. David Baby Stealer is "dying." Real Preggers, you're gonna believe him? Do I have to go over the rules again?