They're really laying it on thick with the sexy stuff this week, huh? First Funny Doc and Real Preggers, today Junior and Not Babe! Is it hot in herrrrre?
Thursday 11/4:
Dr. Mrs. Police Chief is the new Commander in Chief of Staff of hospital. Well, that was easy. It was like Dr. David Baby Stealer just gave her the job, because he wanted, like, more time to mess with Funny Doc and Real Preggers and break up their marriage. That couldn't be the case, could it?
Junior wakes up super happy he no longer has the cancer. Not Babe's all, "I kinda liked it better when you were dying. It was more fun and stuff." And Junior's like, "You want to break up?" And she's like, "Nah, it's cool. I dig the healthy you, too." And then they do it.
Laves grills Grandad, as one brother killer to another, trying to get a confession, but CrazAnnie's fake pregnancy has him keeping his lips sealed. Plus Scott arrives in time to interrupt any confessin' that may be happening. So this means that Scott knows that Laves knows that Grandad knows he killed Stuart.
Being Commander in Chief of Staff of hospital is hard, as Dr. Mrs. Police Chief finds out on her first day. She also kinda wishes she hadn't been so sneaky about getting the job in the first place, with the blackmailing and stuff. As long you didn't club him with a knick knack, Dr. Mrs. Police Chief, you're fine in my book!
Funny Doc hangs out with Barbados Baby while Real Preggers has her fallopian tubes tested. Barbados Baby is a really great listener, in addition to being the cutest wittle muffin in da whole wide world! Yes he is!!! Turns out getting artificially inseminated is kinda difficult, and it may take longer than 9 months for this whole Dr. David Baby Stealer deal to be over. Gosh, it's like he knew how hard it would be, and that it would strain their relationship if Funny Doc and Real Preggers were apart for a long time. It's like it was his plan or something . . . naaaaaawwwwww.
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