Friday 11/20:
Grandad 'fesses up to Stuart's murder. Finally, goodness gracious it took us a long time to get here. He don't want no lawyer, he don't want no help, he just wanna pay. So we're done with this thing, right? It's it? Kapish? Somehow I sense we're not outta the woods just yet, though.
I forgot to mention yesterday that CrazAnnie has the cramps. Not just any cramps, but the pregnant lady soap opera cramps AND she's totes bleeding all over the place. Poor Lucretia, she's had to mop up blood off that rug way too many times in the past few months. So CrazAnnie goes to hospital, and naturally she loses the baby (Is this irony? Can someone ask Alanis?) but there's something else wrong!
Zach is so incredibly pissed that Tad didn't bring back Kendall. So pissed he gets his secret gun, goes to the casino, chokes the guy he hired to follow Tad and is just generally aggro.
Secret Aidan Man decides that Kendall would be a lot more fun if she wasn't just drunk, but also drugged. So the Hottie Inn Keeper gives him some of those drugs (Libidizone, anyone?), and he totes slips 'em in her wine. Kendall gets totally loopy and starts calling Secret Aidan Man "Zach" and takes her top off, which naturally, Zach sees. Good luck with all of this Aidan.
Real Preggers can't keep this secret to save her damn life. She acts all weird and won't take Funny Doc's calls, and he confronts Dr. David Baby Stealer about how they didn't go to the insemination plant and he's like *shoulder shrug*. Then Funny Doc confronts Real Preggers and lord have mercy girlfriend keep it together if you're going to hide the fact that you did it in the back seat of the car with Barbados Baby's baby daddy! Then Funny Doc punches Dr. David Baby Stealer in the face. It's so sexy when my one boyfriend fights my other boyfriend. Is this what those "Twilight" books are about? (Please don't answer that cuz I don't really care.)
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