Friday 11/13:
CrazAnnie goes to the hospital, since she "lost the baby" and Laves pops out and he's all "You're totes not preggers" and she's like, "You're such a jerk!" and he's like, "I know you are but what am I?" and she's like, "Sticks and stones . . . I don't feel good," and faints. For reals. Not faking. She faints.
Zach wants Junior to help put Grandad in jail, but Junior doesn't want none o' Zach's drama. Zach just wants his wife back. Liza A$$ Off thinks Zach should take a chill pill.
At ye olde inn, turns out Hottie Inn Keeper and Secret Aidan Man have now been intercepting those chat room messages, so Secret Aidan Man can get in Kendall's pants. Hottie Inn Keeper ups the stakes and sends a message to Kendall from "Zach" and it's all, "Liza and I hung out last night and yadda yadda yadda now I'm tired." Kendall is so not happy with this and Secret Aidan Man boozes her up and she takes an angry nap and has angry dreams about Liza A$$ Off and Zach doin' it.
Speaking of doin' it, Real Preggers and Dr. David Baby Stealer are totally going to have the sex to make a baby. He swears on Barbados Baby that he won't tell Funny Doc about the funny business. I kind of think you might need something stronger than a swear on a baby, Real Preggers. I suggest a legal contract or like, a kidney in return or something. This is Dr. David Baby Stealer we're talking about.
CrazAnnie wakes up, and Funny Doc had totes done her examination while she was unconcious (which seems incredibly inappropriate) and turns out she was actually pregnant!
Scott?????? What did you do????
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