So I partially fell asleep during today's episode because I'm off from work and that makes me all naptastic. Let's see what I can remember.
Wednesday 6/30:
Did you know you can write your will so it forces people to do things like move to a new town and change their name? Me neither. Palmer did, though! That's exactly what he did to old Caleeeeeb. Poor Caleb has to move to Pine Valley for at least a year AND change his last name to Cortlandt from Cooney. (Cortlandt is better, Caleb.) AND apparently Dr. David Hayward was a renter- A RENTER!- and now Caleb gets to live at the WildWoodWind mansion because Palmer bought it for him. This doesn't seem that legal to me, but okay.
Not Babe thinks she needs to sex it up a bit for Junior, since he seems to like crazy slutwhores like Annie. She buys a shorter version of my homecoming dress from 1998 (A note to the ladies: you may think the only way you'll win your high school ex-boyfriend back is by forcing him to take you to homecoming and wearing a mesh cut out dress so tight you can hardly breathe, but trust me, mesh is never the answer and he's not worth the effort anyway. ) but then Lil' A.J. ruins the whole thing because he tells her he's "scared" because she's all done up. To quote Mr. Paraphrasing Pine Valley, "What kind of dumb@$$ kid gets scared because his mom's wearing makeup?"
Police Chief has now enlisted Tad to find George Someone or Other, who was somehow involved in Erica's plane crash or the whole SEC/Fusion/embezzlement thing or something. I don't know, I'm pretty sure I dozed off for that part. I think the point is that Police Chief's bummed his wife is bummed and he's gonna blame David Hayward for it. Actually, we should really be blaming that eye disease but what do I know? I did wake up to Greensleeves and Dr. David Hayward almost gettin' it on, which is always enjoyable to see.
I promise I don't mean that to sound as pervy as it does. Yes I do.
you're really coming back in at the top of your game..! I like it. And seriously, Not Babe isn't my type per say, but she was lookin' pretty fine dressed like a slut-ball, ersumthin.