Thursday 1/14:
Yesterday, Madison walked in on Erica and Laves smoochin'. She has a stronger constitution than I, because she didn't dry heave or anything, basically she just left the room. Still those two are paranoid (and kinda self centered, no?) so Erica gives Madison the old, "We're just friends" schpeil. See, Laves and Erica have decided to keep this whole thing on the DL, they don't want anyone to gossip. So they decide to go to dinner at ConFusion. Sure, no one will see you at the only bar in town.
At ConFusion Opal tells Lave he's gonna get a call from someone in his past. Remember this, you guys, it's very important.
CrazAnnie decided to give Grandad a lap dance, and I guess it was "Too Hot For Grandad" because he totally collapsed and had to go to the hospital. Peeping Scott watched the whole darn thing through the window (gross!) so he and Crazy and Colby and Liza (who had come over to give Colby the what for about her "I'mma break up CrazAnnie and Grandad" plot) went to the hospital, Annie still in her negligee. Grandad's gonna be fine . . . I think. I was a little distracted by CrazAnnie's rack.
Up dere in Massachusetts, Greensleeves just wants to know if her legs work. Dr. David Baby Stealer Greenlee Healer would prefer to just play Gin Rummy, but he obliges and does the whole "This Little Piggy" thing on her and whatdoyouknow, she can feel her foot! She's still not outta the woods yet (we still have to milk this storyline for a month or so), but she calls Lavery (Ding ding ding! Hooary Opal!) but he misses it because he's too busy gallivanting with Erica. She doesn't leave a message, though, because Dr. David is right (just like always) and she shouldn't talk to Lavery 'till her legs are better.
Is it just me, or has Madison who's gone from 0 to 60 in the "delicate flower" department. (Or would it be 60 to 0?) I mean, I get it- abusive father and junk, but why they gotta make her so tragic now? She was so spunky before, now she's just . . . there. I want my knickknack wielding, martini drinking, trust fund gambling Madison back!
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