What a bunch of babies!! No, seriously. There's a bunch of babies talked about in this episode.
Thursday 7/9
Amanda is feeling super down about her baby, so Funny Doc takes her to some sort of hypno psycho therapologist to make it all better. You know the baby she's sad about- the one who lives in her house and she DOESN'T RECOGNIZE!
At the only restaurant in town, Baby Stealer and Krystal and Erica and Jackson are all in love with and/or annoyed with each other. Or something. I dunno, it doesn't matter. Fake Preggers walks in with one of those $5,000 baby holders with wheels and is all, "Hey, Erica, step off. Crazy Annie may be crazy but she ain't no killer. Well, she kinda is, but she didn't kill Stuart. So STEP OFF I say." Barbados Baby starts to cry fever tears, and Baby Stealer knows that baby is sick, man, and not in like a "90s slang way," but in like a "he should be checked out by a guy with medical schooling" kind of way. Fake Preggers, for sure, doesn't want Baby Stealer looking at her baby, cuz he's way smarter than Amanda, so she takes him to the hospital instead. Maybe this is why you don't have your own damn baby, Liza. Your parenting skills are lacking.
Police Chief and Randi are both all torn up about the murder cover up for the murder they didn't commit and Randi is pregnant!! Wait,what . . . yay? Maybe she can give her baby to Amanda- she won't know the difference anyhow, and perhaps it'll cheer her the f up. Or maybe Randi just made that up because fake pregnancies cure everything. (My vote.)
Meanwhile, Zach (a.k.a. Greased Lightning) has been able to yell at Lavery, go to the casino, go to D.C., yell at Randi and go back to D.C. all in the span of an hour. And boy are his arms tired.
Down at the hospital, turns out Liza's baby isn't dying or anything, but it's pretty weird how she won't let anyone look at him 'cept Funny Doc. Hayward's like, "You know, everyone thinks I like to steal babies, but you, Funny Doc, you're always all up in babies' faces. What gives?" OH SNAP!!
Lavery and Erica totes want to do it with each other (and by "do it" I mean "sell Pilates equipment"), and turns out lighting a lawyer on fire, throwing him in his rental car and pushing said car into a lake isn't the best way to cover up a murder you didn't commit. Thanks for the tip, All My Children.
Wow, they set him on fire too? Chief is hardcore. And Randi was like "oh this is what I did the last time I killed someone...I mean. I'm scared!"