Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cover ups and casinos

Annnnnd we're back!

Wednesday 7/8

Mrs. Now-Dead D.A. shows back up at the casino, exhausted from killing her husband. Takes a lot out of a girl. You know what helps get my energy back- GAMBLING! Step to it, Madison!

In other gambling news, Not Babe goes to Chandmerica to confess to Junior that’s she’s hot to trot for him, but wait- it’s not Junior sittin’ there, it’s Scott the Heart Valve Inventor! How embarrassing. He sees this as a perfect opportunity to go play some slots. What happened to that mission statement, Scott? Remember how we’re not supposed to be greedy anymore?

Over at da Mansion, Grandad suddenly remembers that . . . wait a minute . . . he saw Annie with the gun, and A-HA! She musta killed Stuart! Nope, no, sorry. He was just testing her. Testing Annie is a popular pastime on AMC.

Mrs. Mittens and Police Chief are freaking out because they think she killed the D.A. Forensics science will disprove this, right? Maybe the 2 sets of finger prints on the eagle knick knack? Eh? Oh right, science doesn’t exist in Pine Valley.

Grandad’s had enough of Kendall and Lavery (me too, Grandad) and he has them “arrested.” And what do you know, Attorney Greenlee’s Daddy comes to the rescue. He always does! Out of the 2 lawyers in Pine Valley, he’s my fav. He’s also totally ticked off the Dynamic Duo insisted on actin’ like jerks and meddling in other people’s bidness. You tell ‘em, Jackson!

Anyhoo, Police Chief is so not happy that Mrs. Mittens told Zach about the whole “D.A. was obsessed with her thing,” he’s also not too thrilled that she decided to take matters in her own hands and now there’s a dead lawyer on the ground. It makes it so much more complicated. Yeesh. Why won’t anyone ever listen to the Police Chief?

CrazAnnie is really really bummed that no one will believe she didn’t kill Stuart, so she decides to put Secret Aiden Man’s ankle bracelet jamming device to work. WAIT! WHAT? Nooooooooo, Annie! You failed the test! Ugh. I have nothing else to say about that. I’m done rooting for you- we mustn’t let Kendall and Lavery think they’re smart. We mustn't.

Wait, wait, false alarm. Annie’s still in her room. Phew.

Junior shows up at the casino (where apparently, he thought his child was), and totally c**k blocks Scott. Yeah, suck it, you charitable pansy! Junior apologies to Not Babe for her not being Babe.

Police Chief and Mrs. Mittens think the best solution to a murder you didn’t commit is to cover it up, Grandad and CrazAnnie kiss and I throw up a little in my mouth.

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