Friday, June 26, 2009

Operation Fake Birth, GO!

My apologies, I was incredibly busy with work yesterday, so there will be no Thursday recap. From today's opening, however, this is what I can gather: Fake baby funeral, Annie still crazy, Lavery creepy, Colby's all, "You're not the boss of me," Brot and Blondie on the rocks.

Moving on . . .

Friday 6/26:
Fake Preggers finds the perfect moment to go into Fake Labor- the Fake Baby Funeral! Brilliant! Baby Stealer Hayward's sad, wants to bury Not Dead Baby's "ashes" next to the beloved Babe. Amanda's all, "Yeah, sure, cool!" I was really hoping the scene would then go something like this:
Hayward: "Let's bury the ashes . . . hey, wait a minute . . . is this, Taster's Choice?"

Didn't happen though.

CrazAnnie meets with her therapist, Aiden shows up, wants her to escape, and meanwhile Lavery, creepy as ever, peers through the window. I still have yet to figure out exactly what's going on here. Aiden's not too bad to look at, though, so I won't complain. I'm sure whatever the story line is, it is much less interesting than Aiden's bulging biceps.

Brot and Blondie have a heart to heart (at the only bar in town) which consisted of, "I asked you to marry me because I thought you wanted me to." "But I wanted you to want to ask me to marry you!" "But you should want to marry me whether or not you just wanted me to marry you!" Just break up already . . . wait . . . they do. Did they?

Fake Preggers is in Fake Labor at Tad's house and man, people just won't leave her alone! She's trying to have a Fake Baby here folks, give the woman some space! She's stoked to have Colby there with her though, during this Fake Labor. Nothing proves your love to the child you kinda sorta abandoned by tricking her into thinking you're giving birth in a basement.

Oooooh, I see, they're TESTING CrazAnnie! It's all a test. A big test!

So Tad's got the baby. Who's what, 3 weeks old? Sure, we'll get that switcheroo past everyone.

Amanda walks in on the old fake birth. Awwwwwwkward. Tad and Not Dead Baby get pulled over. Annie totes killed Stuart. Remember Stuart? Everyone loved him. He liked to wear pastels.

Kind of an anti-climatic ending for a Friday, don't you think "All My Children?" Please let this be the lull before Greenlee's triumphant return!!

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