Five words: Dr. David Hayward is back. Five more words: Looking as fabulous as ever. He pulled the old planted drug, bribed the doctor in the morgue, hid out in a Unibomber disquise fake deatherooni. Oldest trick in the book. And why'd he do that? Because he loves Greenlee Smythe Lavery Dupres Hayward so much he's gonna incriminate himself in what really isn't technically a trial (Can judges do that? Just get testimony from folks just for funsies?)
Thank goodness he's back. Well, now I guess he's technically in jail or what have you, but I don't think I could've handled Hayward-less Pine Valley anymore!
Oh yeah, Zach was in a plane crash and now he's "gone." Notice no one's said, "dead" yet. This makes me sad, but David's Big Return has zeroed me out. Though I'm worried Kendall's going to forget how to breathe without that guy. She's kind of a dummy when he's not around.
Oh David, don't ever leave me again.